I’m happy to announce a new version of Maratis with a lot of cool features !
Maratis 3.2
- Improved Lua API
- Assimp integration, Maratis is now able to read multiple 3d formats (Collada, .obj, .md3, full list) :
__- using « Add entity » is you want to use the model as-it
__- or using « File > Import 3d model » to convert the model into Maratis xml mesh format
__- note that all meshs are optimized and converted to binary during publishing
- Performances improvement using SSE instructions and vertex buffers
- Better 3d navigation, with adaptive center of view
Lua API :
simple 3d vector manipulation :
- vec3
- length
- normalize
- dot
- cross
object’s matrix manipulation :
- getTransformedPosition
- getTransformedRotation
- getTransformedScale
- getInverseRotatedVector
- getRotatedVector
- getInverseVector
- getTransformedVector
- updateMatrix
- getMatrix
camera :
- getUnProjectedPoint (useful for picking)
- getProjectedPoint
system :
- getWindowScale
- getSystemTick
object properties :
- isActive
- getName
- getParent
- setParent
- getChilds
- enableShadow
- isCastingShadow
- setAnimationSpeed
- getAnimationSpeed
- setCurrentFrame
- getCurrentFrame
light properties :
- setlightShadowQuality
- setlightShadowBias
- setlightShadowBlur
- getlightShadowQuality
- getlightShadowBias
- getlightShadowBlur
- setlightSpotAngle
- setlightSpotExponent
- getlightSpotAngle
- getlightSpotExponent
physics :
- getMass
- setMass
- getFriction
- setFriction
- getRestitution
- setRestitution
- getAngularFactor
- setAngularFactor
- getLinearFactor
- setLinearFactor
- getCentralForce
- getTorque
inputs :
- getProperty
- getTouchPosition
- getLastTouchPosition
- getTouchPhase
just to announce a new build from the current svn code :
- correct lua dofile bug when publishing
- cursor hiding was not working properly on windows
- fixed renderer improvement
- SDK updates
You can find new builds of Maratis (3.1b version) :
This version corrects some bugs :
- slow binaries in mac and linux (the compilation is now optimised)
- cpu usage reduction slowing down the games
- wrong version of MaratisPlayer on windows (new script features was not working when published)
- custom script function bug
And adds script functions for cursor hide/show :
- hideCursor()
- showCursor()
You will also find a new example showing how to use render to texture with post processing :

Thank you for the previous bug reports, lets start a second wave !
It’s time to test a new version of Maratis, fresh from svn :
You can find builds for windows, mac and linux here :
And the new features are !
Editor :
- File packing system and publishing (File > Publish Project) : thanks to Nistur !
- Object list selection and custom shortcut : by Mario Pispek
- Focus selection (‘F’ key), parent field (transform tab) : by Sergey Pershin
- Faster loading when published
- General Bug correction and improvement
- Behavior drawing in-game / in-editor and M_VARIABLE_TEXTURE_REF variable
- Physics rayHit and multiple collision test
- Camera scene layer system and render to texture system
Script :
- rayHit
- quit, to quit the game from script
- getScene
- getObject modified to access other scenes
- getClone to clone objects from script
- enableCameraLayer and disableCameraLayer
- enableRenderToTexture and disableRenderToTexture
Thanks to everybody for the contributions, the forum moderation, the patchs, the documentation and more !
